Monday, September 22, 2008

Pirates, yo

So it was a good weekend. Matt Talley came in town and we had ourselves some Carta Blanca's and Mickeys' together, other people's drinks. We went to 3 1/2 parties on Friday. The first stop was my friend, Matt M., who had his b-day party; a lot of Gatti kids showed up. A few lucky girls would be beaten, raped, and recorded!
Matt Talley (the other Matt I know), myself, and Wolf Motherfucker.
We went to a Le Disko dj party, i guess. It was the same people too cool to move or dance and tried their damnedest to maintain their cool posture and not mess up their hair. Eh, it was free.
I feel like John Madden. OK. Yellow: the situation, two kids scamming in the back unaware that I have a camera. Red: look at the leg action, goddamn. Sky Blue: that necking, fucking shit. I'll have all of the above.
Saturday was the battle of I-10. I rode my new bicycle around Kern and took some nice pictures of the El Paso view. Atop Rim Road it was a nice moment to myself. Standing on rocks with weeds seeping in between, making the sound of fresh bells as the wind cascaded down to earth. Oh, yeah!
Kyrha, myself, and Jessica brushed our teeth at Jessica's. It was awesome.
We went to a pirate themed party. They had a treasure chest of booty, jello shots. They spent too much money on decorations and plastic containers but it was a realistic atmosphere. We later got kicked out because our guests weren't appropriately dressed for the theme. It was geeky nerdy loser pirates that kicked us out. the fraternity of people your friends' loser older brother belongs to, that sort of deal.
Then we went to Geoff, Cecil, and Dave's for a round or two of Guitar Hero which I didn't partake. There was Risk, arguments, blood. This was the real pirate party we were looking for all along.
I'm currently reading The Rum Diary. I'm catching up on all the books soon to be made into movies as should you. Then you can make snotty and showy remarks after you leave the movie like, "the book was better," or "they should have casted this actor for this or that character."

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Colorado, Monolith

It was an eleven and a half drive to my Aunt and Uncle's house. Driving to Colorado you have to drive the entirety of New Mexico. Yes, I'm a hater of New Mexico. But not this trip. I found myself in a poetic state of merriment during the drive, something reminiscent of Cormac McCarthy. I found every sight beautiful, the clouds and mountains to start with. As if they were two entities birthed by the same mother, a beauty herself. It was great opening the windows of the Aveo and smelling nature, unfiltered. When nature is not a landscape, and not on the defensive. Smelling the bark and the wet dirt, the resonating tar of old roads and the cry of a lonesome prey. Stuff like that. Las Cruces and Albuquerque are still shit pools.
My cousin has custom-made Spiderman curtains. Fuck yeah!
Alex and I had a carousel when we were young. Now its up in Denver gaining miles.
I love their house. And I love the yearround sweater weather in Colorado. So many fashion-accessory options!
Some red rocks at Red Rocks.
Jukebox the Ghost. A fun lesson in fun. They were goddamn amazing. I'm not taking out their CD from my car for a long time.
A band of great banter and lovely songs about, pick your topic.
Alex and I enjoyed seven dollar beers during the festival. It was a steal, I think. I just made fun of the bands to myself during the cold stupor. The following bands suck/are pussies: Handsome Furs, The Rosewood Thieves, some random old comedian during sets, and Tokyo Police Club.
The VIP section, and apparently some guy getting a rejection slip from the bountiful table of Powerade, cookies, and muffins.
Tilly and the Wall. Their tapdancer is gorgeous. And now I want to tap dance. I think I would do well. I could audition for a Rocky Horror somewhere.
Tilly rocked me and my seven dollar Blue Moon. Oh, I might be in a CSS/Tilly DVD. I'll be playing the drunk obnoxious guy in the front row.
Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings. the best soul jazz mama ever. They covered a James Brown song that fucking killed. And some random fat black guy in costume, named TRL was on stage.
There were so many cute photographers at Monolith. Jesus! Band of Horses were a new favorite. It's a shame I didn't get into them earlier. A great performance and an equally great synergy with the crowd. I didn't eat for fourteen hours and I got sick toward the end of the festival. Fuck it, Justice is next!
You can't put words to a spiritual awakening. The set started with Genesis.
I was a goddamn raver during their set. Sadly, they had to cut their set, like, twenty minutes short because of technical difficulties. Xavier threw his keyboard to the floor twice. It was still great!
It was great to see the family. I loved the weather, and I loved getting sick and drinking awesome seven dollar beer while watching some favorite bands of mine.
my top five bands of the festival:
1) Justice
2) Jukebox the Ghost
3) Tilly and the Wall
4) Band of Horses
5) Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings
my top two questions to Alex on the road:
1) What if it hurt to be a cloud?
2) Are some animals afraid of the dark?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Best Fwends

a fun
time for kids in need of a
a break from the
dangers of public and domestic.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


To start off. The hair above the red line is brand spankin' new. I predict by the year 2010 I'll be able to unbutton one more button and show the mamas the total hairy package. And yes, I have hairy nipples.
This is the remainder of a two week long bruise. Fidel, Lalo, and Day and myself took it upon ourselves to punch each other after a visit to Mulligan's, a bar that plays only new metal on the jukebox. Drinking a bloody Mary during Disturbed. Awesome!
UT vs UTEP. The halftime was great. the UTEP band did an homage to Michael Jackson: The King of Pop. They did Billy Jean, Smooth Criminal, and Thriller. They actually put down their instruments and did the Thriller dance at the end. It was good!
Days prior, Tony and Geoff had a drinking contest at their place. This is the scoreboard taped to their wall. It was a tie.
And they took score of the pee pee times, and Tony's one poo poo time. I feel you recharge your batteries when you poop, so Tony had the advantage after he finished wiping.
A sacred custom. Back at Geoff's, Dave's, and Tony's, people were marking their servings. It was Dave's birthday at midnight. Happy Birthday, Dave! The marking system went as follows. O = beer. I = toke of Mary Jane. X = serving of liquor. ^ = cocaine. And so on. Tony took the bank with the X's. Once we left the house and headed to the bars, we forgot the pen. Tony suggested the honor system. I'm sure Tony had a black arm by the time he passed out on the street, if he had a pen. It was just O's and lines for me, thank God.
A cute black Lab drinking us under our knees at a party somewhere. People were playing music out of Jamaican flag colored instruments and weird looking bongs were smoking.
Alex drove me home. I went number two or I went number one sitting down. Anyway. I still had my camera in my front pocket and the pictures flew. I took, like, twenty pictures of me on the porcelain seat.