During the day I finally got to visit that toy shop near a Buffalo Exchange, near the Villas, near Guadalupe, near downtown. Somewhere. They had everything a five year old me would want.

Our night started after Wolf Parade. We got dropped off around Fifth street, Fidel, Erik, Sarah and I. We didn't have much money so we decided to walk the streets until something cheap came up. Our first stop was Bayou. I've never felt so black in that place. They had High Life on tap and once we hit the dance floor everyone ditched the dance lights. Of course, everyone and their grinding partner whispered about us. And there was a black paraplegic smoking weed.

Everyone had nice dance moves. We then went to the Troubadour where some guys were mcing. We asked the bartender if she had any deals. Of all the deals she remarked, ONE DOLLAR LONG ISLAND ICE TEAS was tattooed to our synapses. I bought everyone, like, three rounds or so. Do you know how many calories and how much alcohol comes in a Long Island?!

We again got in the groove of the atmosphere. Everyone was very drunk, in particular, Erik.

Fidel with the lovely bartender whose name I forgot. At two we left and headed to Wendy's off 35 to meet up with Priscilla our ride home. Sarah was speed walking while we all tried to catch up. Erik was in bad health and passed out at every stop from there on.

Sarah with a stomach ache after a salad and nuggets. That's what she gets for being a free spirit. So Priscilla picks us up in her truck and Fidel and Erik lay on the bed, or was it me? Passing a few exits on the freeway and we run out of gas. We manage to get off an exit and I get out and Fidel and I start to push the truck, on drive. Finally on neutral we start to push it to the next turn when a cop shows up. Open containers and a drunk passed out Erik. Fidel sweet talks the cop and tells us of a nearby gas station but doesn't help us at all. We push the car to an empty parking lot.

So Fidel and I collect, like, ten empty water bottles and walk and jog to the gas station which turned out to be, like, a two mile journey. We returned and drove to a gas station where we asked Erik for gas money. He said he couldn't though we were present when he broke a hundred dollar bill earlier in the night. We're all pissed off at Erik. We go to Sarah's friends house and feel uncomfortable. Erik passes out again. We decide to leave and leave Sarah there. Now its just Fidel, Priscilla, Erik and myself back at Michele's place. Erik passes out and so began our revenge.

We did a lot of things to Erik. Any nothing seemed to phase him. By the time we finished it was six thirty a.m. The list of things we did to Erik go as follows:
1 Placed keyboard at high volume next to his face till the batteries were exhausted.
2 Played guitar next to his face, accidentally elbowed his face.
3 Cut his [favorite] shirt with scissors.
4 Cut his hair, then placed said hair in an envelope that we later lost and then found.
5 Poured lotion on his face and ear.
6 Almost lit his face on fire with hairspray and lighter.
7 Converged frying pan and spatula to make the loudest noise ever. (We were crying.)
8 Put hot sauce in his mouth.
9 Two frying pans converging.
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