These are the
boyz of the caravan for the weekend. But I stayed the entire week and dressed like a father figure, just button up shirts and boat shoes.

Sarah and Michele. Michele made us potato tacos at Matt's place. Matt is an awesome guy with the body of a fireman. Was that gay? This is Michele
pre-hand burn.

This is Michele post-hand burn. She was going to dump the oil but her hand was too heavy and
bam! Apparently mustard does the trick.

Walking, it actually takes place in Austin. So do kerchiefs on men.

Fidel, Michele, And I went down to Barton Springs and saw the pretty downtown at night. We also caught some geese, or something in the water.

This ominous picture is of the famous Matt
Skiba. The Trio were fucking awe. They played a lot of songs from their Asian Man releases and closed their encore with Radio.

American Steel. A great example that punk can have a charming face.

Jumping off a three story bridge. Sarah and Fidel jumped off and I took the footage. Erik was thrown off.

This horrible picture is of Wolf Parade. Before the show, we hit the road to "Chief City" as Erik calls it and we got effing tea-ed up. I was a mannequin at the show trying not to tip over, or fall asleep. It was a good show and Erik bought me two
Lonestar tall boys, yum. A side note on Austin shows. Nobody ever
fuckin' moves. And if you try to stir shit up everyone marks you as a traitor to their evening. One example. At Alkaline Trio, Sarah tried to move closer to stage within the crowd and she almost got in a fight with a few stocky scene girls. Its a punk show, bitches. El
Paso definitely has better crowds and response to bands.
These were just a few highlights of my week long trip to Austin. I took a lot of pictures and now I like Kanye West. I have to thank Michele for that. And she has satellite radio so we got to listen to a myriad of punk, ska, and soul. I also want to thank my long time friend, Chris Lea for showing us a good time and making the best BBQ ever. The man makes his own BBQ sauce!
OH, I also got into a car accident, my first. It was a head on collision. Everyone was fine and traffic had no problem in honking at us a few seconds after the crash. Some asshole maneuvered through the crash site. I wish I had my camera!
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