Bret is in town. And when I thought my alcohol and drug consumption would be receding to boredom, that burly man at the airport changed it all. His first day back we cruised the Crews, did alcohol, witnessed shit-kicker parties, and other stuff Mom would disown me for.

Its starting to rain in El Paso. Its a breath of relief from the goddamn wet backs. So one time I was going number two and a scorpion was on the tile floor, inches away from a sting. I forgot if I flushed, and I forgot if this really happened to me.

I went to a rave in the desert. It was the first time drinking after the extraction of my wisdom tooth; two more suckers to go. Stella went well with the mediocre house music. Above: Sean and his upper body, and cousin Quisa.

Friends can get tuckered out with the right motivation. And then there's hard drugs to keep everyone else alive and pacing.

After months I've found the black and white setting on my camera. Very film noir, eh?!

This stump is the remnant of our biggest tree in the backyard. You can find much parallelism and inspiration to life from simple things in your house.
I've been listening to a lot of new music and rekindling my spirit with some fan favorites. My top five albums/bands of now are as follow:
1 Ghostland Observatory
2 Broken Social Scene - You Forget It In People
3 The Kooks
4 The Black Lips
5 Death From Above 1979
My top five black jokes:
Oh, I couldnt online. Jk