Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Peruse This Garb

I found this sweet documentary about Soulwax.
Bear and Horse Indian jewelry. Making demigods out of the wilderness.

Indian bowler ties I found online. Goddamn, you'd be the hot shit at the next reservation meeting.
Now your Lego's can engage in mass murder, stealth, with a side of jihad.
I always wanted Lego to make a Batman, and they did. Now the kids can fight terrorism in miniature proportions.

So it was a quick dream. It was an aerial shot, so I'm thinking I was in a helicopter during this dream. The helicopter was doing its thing and following an interstate. There was a congestion of deer on the interstate. And then fucking bears were up in their shit. Standard American bears. And some were pink. Later I discovered through my keen observation that these bears weren't pink by birth. They were fucking feasting on the fauna. I guess their blood was neon pink. Even in dreams the bear persona follows me.
Daniel and I drove to Austin this past weekend to visit Jessica and Erik and the rest of the Austin family. We had lots of sushi and Lonestar and watched lots of Arrested Development. I saw some dog dick at Town Lake and drank a lot of redbulls on the drives. We had a great time. Picture taken by Daniel's camera. I named it George Michael

1 comment:

modus phonascus said...

the soulwax video takes 4ever to load!what gives?