Attention...Dream World Press
By Raul Munoz
Feathers on the grasswalk like an >> Elder's headdress. --Yes, we'll surrender. >> Danglin' moon tonight, hanging from >> The violet sheet like an earring. >> It was raining bad that dream. >> Cats and dogs outside, let them >> Reach our ceiling. Third to last >> Was half dog half sea lion. Last >> One in was dog sized sea lion. >> --That's weird, come on in, stranger. >> Then it was Africa, a pet nursery. >> Miniature sheep and baby elephants. >> The city, asphalt was on a hill. All the >> Guns and ammo rolled to the bottom Gutter. We were headed to Europe next. >> :Shirtless backs facing God asking for peace.
Pupils like Eagles
By Raul Munoz
Do you see a chance of living through this? >> If you fall I fall, we can land face to face. >> Pupils like eagles, show us past great Plains that castles still shine through Our wars. >> Picket fence, shoutgun aim, Put your beer down, here comes again >> The man with a bible soaked in blood, >> And the dirt won't come off. But it's too >> Late to ask for reprieve or a drag of his cig.